Medical Considerations

An avalanche dog searches for two victims
This website focuses on searching and rescuing people who are buried in avalanches, but providing medical care and transporting people after an avalanche incident are critical considerations.
The following is a summary on providing medical care.
- Focus on the ABCs.
- Access and open their airway.
- Breathe for them if they are not breathing.
- Provide chest Compressions if they don't have a heartbeat or if there is an airway obstruction.
- Stabilize traumatic injuries.
- Keep them warm.
- Dry them off (but don't remove their clothing).
- Add insulation and protect them from the wind.
- Insulate them from the snow.
Everyone should have a current CPR certification. A Wilderness First Aid (WFA) or Wilderness First Responder (WFR) certification is extremely beneficial.
Additional resources: